Campaigns Management Page

7.1K Published on June 28, 2022

In This Page:

I. Introduction
II. Benefits
III. Campaigns Management

a. Campaigns Homepage
b. View All Campaigns
c. Understanding Campaign Tiers
d. Join Eligible Campaigns
e, Seller Agreements
f. Special Invitations and Reverse Deal Hunting (RDH)

I. Introduction
New Look!!!

To improve your experience in joining Lazada campaigns, we have revamped our campaign management module to make joining campaigns a breeze for you!
You will see the full new look on the Campaign Management module in Seller Center.

II. Benefits
- Better categorization and prioritization of Main Campaigns & Eligible Campaigns.
- You can easily find Flash Sale and Brand Mega Offers* campaigns now!
- We have also indicated more details and key benefits to each Flash Sale and Band Mega Offer* campaign type.

III. Campaigns Management
a. Campaign Homepage
In the Campaign Management Homepage, you will see the following features:

1. Dedicated modules for Campaigns, Flash Sale and Brand Mega Offer*
2. Overview of eligible campaigns across Campaigns, Flash Sale and Brand Mega Offer*

- Click ‘Start Now’ to join Campaign
- If desired campaign is not shown on homepage, click on “View All Campaigns”
*if applicable

b. View All Campaigns

Once you click into “View All Campaigns”, all Main campaigns will be shown.

Campaigns will be listed based on the following priority:

- Campaign Tier: Mega, A+, A, B, C

Refer to the next slide for Campaign Tier definitions

- What does each information mean?

1. Live period of Main campaign (e.g. Bday D-Day)

2. Campaign Tier & Campaign Name

3. No. of eligible campaigns you can join under Main campaign Earliest registration date of eligible campaigns

4. Click ‘Start’ to join eligible campaigns

TIP: Understanding the main campaign you are joining helps you locate your campaign easily!

c. Understanding Campaign Tiers

- There are a few campaign tiers in Lazada in which sellers can participate in.

- Below is an overview of Lazada’s campaign tiers:

Do note that campaign categorization may differ from country to country

d. Join Eligible Campaigns

e. Seller Agreements

Agreement will be applicable on Master Campaign Level:

1. Seller Agreement

2. Product Copyover Agreement

3. Lazada Bonus Agreement

4. Review/Modify Agreements

- Once sellers have accepted Agreements, option to review or modify will be available within the Master Campaign banner.
- When this is clicked, seller will be linked to Product Copyover Agreement directly (if applicable), instead of Seller Agreement.

f. Special Invitations and Reverse Deal Hunting (RDH)
To locate your special invitations:

Identify your Main Campaign Name, enter to view Eligible Campaigns

2. Filter for “Special Invitation”

3. Special Invitation campaign will be shown:

- Live date of campaign

- Registration date of campaign (if registration has not started)

- Registration time ends (if registration has started)

4. Click “View Detail” if registration has not started
   Click “Join Now” if registration has started

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