FAQs: To Be Reviewed Tab in ASC

1.4K Published on February 16, 2021

Q1 : What is the objective of the new tab?

Currently in ASC, there is no features that allow seller to locate orders that do not have review written. Due to the inconvenience of getting such information, a lot of orders actually expired without both seller and buyer knowing. This is a lost of opportunity for the seller to increase the reviews rate for the particular SKU.

To prevent such issue, we introduced the new Tab, “To be Reviewed” to allow seller to have instant view of all orders which reviews are not written and contact buyer through IM to check out on their purchased product and request for a review.

Q2 : Why is there expiry for the purchased orders?

All order delivered will have 30 days availability for buyer to write a review. Once the 30 days past, the order will be removed from “My Review page” and buyer will not be able to write a review for the purchased product.

Q3 : How can I know which order will be expiring soon?

In the order list, orders are displayed in ascending order based on the expiry dates, meaning that order at the top of the list is closest to expiry. To make sure seller is aware it, a warning sign is displayed beside the countdown of days left for the order.

Q4 : How can I communicate with the buyer?

There is a chat button available in the page to allow seller to contact the specific buyer that purchase the product. It is best to ask about buyer experience with the product and then request for a review.

Q5: Is there any way that I can send incentive to buyer to write a review ?

Yes. Sellers can give out shop voucher to buyer using IM. Thus, seller can give out vouchers after a review is written as an appreciation of their effort.

Q6: Can I give away incentive to a particular SKU for reviews?

Yes. Sellers can search a particular product through the search function tool. Through this search function, vouchers can be given out directly to the buyers who have purchased it via IM.

Q7: Where can I find this Tab?

You can find the tab in ASC : Home > Orders > Manage Reviews. To be Reviewed will be the default page once you reached Manage Reviews page.

Q8: How do I know if the buyer has written a review after giving out vouchers?

Once a review is written, the order will be removed from the “To be Reviewed” tab. This is an indication that review is done.

Q9: When should I start sending out message to buyer for reviews?

Sellers must not misuse the function by constantly sending out message to customer for review. Give buyer some time to try out the product and approach by checking out for customer experience of the purchase and product before requesting for a review. The aim is to build a bond with customer to increase chances of future purchase and referral.

Q10: Why do I need reviews ?

Rating and Review has the biggest impact for seller conversion. The more positive reviews a seller have, the higher chance it increases the GMV of the particular SKU.

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