How do I turn on Shop Assistant priority?

1.9K Published on July 27, 2021

To maximize the use of LISA, our Lazada IM Shop Assistant, please make sure to select Shop Assistant Priority.

Follow these easy steps:

1. Access LISA via

2. Use your main chat admin credentials to login

3. On the LISA homepage, click Open > Shop Assistant Priority

With LISA on Shop Assistant Priority, you can have more time to...

  • fulfill orders;

  • do suggestive selling;

  • handle complex customer questions; or,

  • take much-needed breaks especially during sales campaigns!

Remember, LISA has two operational modes. This gives you the option to select where the queries will go through first:

1. Shop Assistant Priority - LISA answers all queries received in the Seller IM. If LISA is unable to resolve the session, the query will be transferred to the live agent.

2. Live Agent Priority - Live agent answers all queries received in the Seller IM. If the live agent is unavailable, LISA will answer the queries.

NOTE: Should you need to turn LISA off, simply click the "Turn off the robot" button.

More about LISA

Have a question? Ask us in our DingTalk group dedicated to sellers who use LISA. Scan this QR code to join the Lazada PH Chatbot Project DingTalk Group:

Note: Please join only when you have LISA already. To get LISA, please sign up via

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