New Seller IM Chat Enhancements

950 Published on January 16, 2023

Update: Seller IM Chat Enhancements

Features List:
1. 10 Minutes Response Rate
2. Optimization for Block Feature
3. Send Unpaid Order Cards

10 Minutes Response Rate

The top left corner of the IM page contains a new 10 Minutes Resonse Rate (10MRR) number. When the seller clicks on the 10MRR number, they will be transferred into the IM section within the Business Advisor page.

On the Seller Center App:

New 10MRR Feature

Transfer to new BA page

On Seller Center website:

New 10MRR Feature

Transfer to new BA page

2. Optimization for Block Feature

Sellers will now need to select a block reason in order to successfully block buyers.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

1. Click "Add to Blacklist" and check to see if a popup appears.

2. Check if you need to select a reason in order to successfully submit the block request (the multiple choice selection is a must to block a buyer).

3. Check to see if you can input additional details and images.

4. After clicking submit, check to see if received a system notification saying that the customer has been blocked.

3. Send Unpaid Order Cards

When buyers have unpaid orders, sellers can send out order reminders through the "Contact Buyer" button within the Unpaid Orders page.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

1. Click on the "Contact Buyer" within the Orders's Unpaid page

2. Check to see if an order card comes up on the bottom of the IM page

3. Click "Send"

4. Check to see if an order card is sent through the chat

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