Seller Add to Cart Program

3.8K Published on September 1, 2022

What's In This Page?

Seller Add to Cart Program
I. What is the Seller Add to Cart Program?

II. Why is Add To Cart important?

III. What are the benefits that I can get?

IV. How to Join?

V. Winning Criteria

VI. Tips and Checklist to Maximize Add to Cart Performance

1. Submit Campaign Deals Early

2. Submit deals at recommended prices & Lazada Recommended Products at Traffic Boost Prices

3. Decorate your Store and PDP (Product Detail Page) to drive Add To Cart actions

4. Create vouchers to reward customers

5. Join CEM D9 Booster

Seller Add to Cart Program

What is the Seller Add to Cart Program?

● Lazada is launching the Seller Add to Cart Program this 9.9 to raise awareness to sellers regarding the importance of teasing operations during a campaign.

● Data from all countries and categories show that creating initiatives to convince buyers to add to cart during teasing could help sellers increase Conversion Rate by +20% during Mega days.

Why is Add To Cart important?

● Customers are more likely to purchase items on D-day if they already have the items in the cart.

● Recommendation engine will know your target audience better, improving matching in the following days.

● Stackable & cross-store discounts (if applicable) will be applied to cart on D-day, thereby driving urgency to purchase.

What are the benefits that I can get?

● Top 10% performing sellers per category will enjoy:

○ Featured module on Category Campaign Page

○ Boosting on Search and Just For You modules

○ Higher possibility for buyer checkout on D-day

● Top winners will be notified through Seller Center, please do not miss out.

How to Join?

● All campaign eligible sellers are automatically eligible for this program.

● In order to join, sellers need to submit campaign deals before the start of teasing at September 2 and make sure the deals are approved as well. If a seller submits their campaign deals after September 2, they will still be able to participate in the program but will have less time to execute their add to cart strategies.

Winning Criteria

● Sellers performance is compared at category level.

● Sellers are ranked by looking at the growth of their add to cart unique visitors and top product add to cart conversion rates.

Tips and Checklist to Maximize Add to Cart Performance

1. Submit Campaign Deals Early

● Join the 9.9 Mega Campaign or, if applicable, accept Special Invitation

● Submitting deals early in the campaign allows for increased visibility on campaign pages and more accurate algorithm recommendation to your target audience.

2. Submit deals at recommended prices & Lazada Recommended Products at Traffic Boost Prices

● The algorithm determines price suggestions during campaign deal hunting in order to achieve GMV targets during campaigns.

● You are highly encouraged to follow the price suggestions to maximize GMV boost during the campaign.

3. Decorate your Store and PDP (Product Detail Page) to drive Add To Cart actions

● Go to Store > Store Decoration, and you will be directed to Store Builder

● Decorate your store using Store Builder, with existing templates or get your creative juices going by designing it yourself!

● Use Modules such as Single Banner to encourage customers to add to cart items from your shop during teasing period

● Use creative ways across the buyer’s journey to target users:

Store Decoration

Store Banner                                           PDP Banner                                              

Feed Post


To Edit Store Page, just follow these steps:

1. Go to Store > Store Decoration

2. Look for 9.9 Campaign Tab Decorator.

3. Decorate your page using different modules such as Single Banner, Campaign Products, Campaign Countdown etc.

4. For Add to Cart banner, use Single Banner for easier setup. Sample Assets Banners can be downloaded here.

Note: PSD files are available so you can modify each banner to your preferred design and wordings that you think best encourage customers to add to cart during teasing.

5. Click Publish.


To Edit PDP Banner, just follow these steps:

1. Go to Products > Decorate Products.

2. During Campaign Period, you will see Platfrom Campaign section.

3. Upload a banner with size 690 x 204 px.

4. Once Uploaded, click Publish to All Products.


To Upload a Feed Post, just follow these steps:

1. Go to Engagement Center on you Seller Center Account and click Feed.

2. You will see all types of Feed Post from Product List, Image, Short Video, and Customer Gallery.

3. Upload Feed post preferably using Image and get inspiration on how you make your Feed Post Banner using our Free Banner Assets.

For Free Banner Assets for 9.9 and add to cart, please click this link:

Note: You may modify these banners depending to your liking using Photoshop Editor or you can make your own using other third-party banner/image creator

4. Create vouchers to reward customers

- Create vouchers that will serve as a reward to customers who have added to cart. These vouchers will not only entice them to add to cart but to also check out during D-day. Vouchers will be given through CEM (see tip #5).

- Steps:

1. Open Store Regular Voucher Creation Page .

2. Fill up the fields. We recommend you to fill it as follows:

a. Voucher Redeem Period: September 9-11 (9.9 D-day)

b. Collect Start Time: September 2 (Start of 9.9 Teasing)

c. Applicable to: Entire Shop

3. Select discount settings.

5. Join CEM D9 Booster

- CEM Campaign Booster is a feature that supports optimized message sending during campaigns.

- CEM eligible sellers can join the CEM D9 Campaign Booster which will enable them to:

1. Broadcast add to cart initiatives that is on going in their store and encourage customers to add to cart.

2. Issue vouchers automatically via IM to customers who have added to cart.

- How to use CEM:

1. Go to

2. Go to the Campaign Booster page and look for the "Customer with Items in Cart" customer group

3. Toggle the "Activate" icon.

4. Edit the message content if necessary. Under action, click "Edit" and input a message and the voucher that was created for Add to Cart customers.

*Note: Sellers are also encouraged to activate message sending to other customer groups to inform them of their 9.9 deals as well as on going add to cart initiatives and rewards.

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