Seller Bulletin: Upgrade on Bulk Add/Edit of Products

4.8K2 Published on May 2, 2022

The new interface of Bulk Add/Edit of products will be made available to all sellers starting May 5!

Basic Template (NEW)

→ This provides the seller the most basic attributes (and mainly mandatory product information) that they need to fill in, in order to create a product. (i.e. name, brand, etc. it excludes all the category-based attributes/key attributes).

→ Using the basic template:

• Create custom variations - using the template, they seller will be able to create a custom variation name and option

• Create products across multiple categories in one sheet

• SKU images automatically assigned to first variation in web

• Missing mandatory category attributes -> Upload will be successful but products will be moved to Draft status/tab

Upload Record

a. Allow sellers to see tooltip on next action and

b. For products that have missing category attributes, there is an edit button where they will be redirected to Draft tab (for products that have missing category attributes only).

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