The 90 Days Seller Success Program

2.5K Published on February 3, 2022

90 Days Seller Success Program

The 90 Days Seller Success Program is a newly launched tool designed to facilitate new seller growth and success. The goal of this program is to empower new sellers to become selling sellers that earn 1000 USD and ultimately 5000 USD within their first 90 days on the platform!

Sellers are strongly encouraged to use this tool to get additional traffic provided that you, as a seller, are maintaining basic standard conditions* on the Lazada Platform. If you're easily recognized as compliant with the basic conditions, you will receive free traffic boosts. With more traffic, you're store will have stronger brand visibility on Lazada to attract more sales.

Where Can I Find 90 Days Seller Success Program on Seller Center?

Go to Marketing Center, select Traffic Tools and then click on 90 Days Seller Success Program

Understanding 90 Days Seller Success Program on Seller Center

1. GMV achievement of your store based on the last 30 days. Below are the first three milestones to mark your achievements using this program:

  • Getting your first order and making your first sale

  • Earning your first 1000 USD

  • Earning 5000 USD

2. This displays your remaining number of days in the program. Traffic boosting will begin from the date of your store verification. Upon earning 5000 USD within 90 days, this part of the module will disappear.

3. These are the conditions that you need to maintain while under the program in order to receive traffic boosting.

What are the conditions that I need to maintain for this program?

The following are the conditions that sellers need to keep to earn additional boosting. Please review the conditions under each category:

What are the scenarios for boosting?

Scenario 1: All Boosting conditions are met

If the seller was able to achieve and fulfill conditions, based on this actual week, the seller will receive the boost which will be reflected the following week. Boosting will run until the end of the actual week (Sunday)

Scenario 2:  Boosting will be paused the following week

This scenario follows that the seller was able to meet all conditions during the first week. However, in the following week, the seller did not meet all conditions. Boosting will be paused until all conditions are met.

Scenario 3: Boosting paused for current week and next week

This scenario follows that the boosting was paused the current week. As the seller has still not fulfilled all conditions, there will be no boosting at all for next week.

Scenario 4:  Boosting to be resumed next week

This scenario follows that the seller's boosting was stopped for the current week. The seller fixes all conditions and becomes eligible for boost next week.

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