What is Warehouse Binding?

9.6K Published on August 8, 2023

If you have multiple Lazada shops that share one warehouse, you can assign them in a single Pickup Address Group (PAG), also known as Warehouse Binding. Instead of having a First Mile (FM) assignment for each shop, your FM services, such as FM type, 3PL partner, and pickup schedule will be based on the whole group's orders.

On this page:

What is a Pickup Address Group?

How do I make a Pickup Address Group?

How do I manage a Pickup Address Group?

A. To invite new members to an existing group

B. To accept/reject PAG invitations

C. To remove a shop from a PAG

D. To disband/delete a PAG

What will happen when I group my shops?

Other FAQs

A. Can I choose which account will be the master account?

B. How many stores can I include in a Pickup Address Group?

C. What if I don't see or approve the binding request sent right away?

D. How are Pickup Address Groups validated? Can a master account add another seller as a sub account without the seller's knowledge?

E. I grouped/bound different accounts that have different warehouse addresses. Where will the courier pick up my parcels?

F. Can I group/bind warehouses from different barangays?

G. I grouped/bound my accounts today. When will the changes take effect?

H. After grouping my accounts, my shipment type became pickup. What if my preferred shipment type is drop-off?

I. Can I bind accounts that have different first mile types on Seller Center (e.g., one is LEX drop-off and the other is LEX pickup)?

J. I want to change the address of my sub account's warehouse. How can I change the warehouse address?

K. What if a sub account wants to leave the Pickup Address Group?

L. Will the Operating Days and Hours of the master account be applied to the sub account?

M. Will the master account's delivery types like Same Day Delivery (SDD) or Delivered by Seller (DBS) be shared with subaccounts?

N. Does this feature apply for binding customer return address?

O. What does it mean when I get a prompt that says "There is no available warehouse can be bind under this seller ID"?

P. Why am I getting the following error: "Incorrect Seller ID or Phone Number"?

Q. Will this feature be applicable for sellers who are using an ERP (like XMHelper)?

R. Assuming a 3rd party warehouse operates for 5 companies, can there be just one master account approving all the binding?


A Pickup Address Group (PAG) consists of a master account and sub accounts that share one warehouse address. By sharing just one warehouse address, stores that wouldn't meet the minimum order requirement for pickup can combine their order volume to reach this threshold and enjoy pickup services.

Here are the characteristics of master accounts and sub accounts in a Pickup Address Group (PAG):

Lazada recommends using the account with the most volume/highest sales as your master account. Since this account is probably the most actively used account, you can more easily manage your PAG from it.

After choosing an account to use as your master account, please ensure that you're logged into this account when you initiate a warehouse binding request.

Sub accounts must be in the same barangay as the master account.

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To access the Pickup Address Group menu, follow these steps:

Click a. My Account > b. Settings > Under Logistics, select the c. Warehouse Icon.

Click Pickup Address Grouping.

Then, to create a PAG:

Make sure you're logged into the account you want to use as your group's master account. The master account controls the whole group's warehouse address and FM services.

Click Create Group.

a. Select your main warehouse under Warehouse Code then b. Click New Invitation.

Input your subaccount's Seller ID and Contact Phone Number and click on Search Warehouse.

Select your sub warehouse under Warehouse Code. The other fields should automatically be filled.

Click Bind.

Please note that PAG invitations expire after 12 hours, so be sure to accept them as soon as possible.


  • You cannot invite an account that already belongs to a different PAG. You will have to remove it from its current PAG before you can invite it to a new one.

  • If an account has a pending PAG invitation or binding request, you cannot add or invite it to a new PAG.

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A. To invite new members to an existing group:

Click Add Members.

Click New Invitation.

Input your subaccount's Seller ID and Contact Phone Number and click on Search Warehouse.

Select your sub warehouse under Warehouse Code. The other fields should automatically be filled.

Click Bind.

B. To accept/reject PAG invitations:

Log into your sub account.

Go to the PAG menu under a. My Account > b. Settings > c. Warehouse.

Click the View Detail button.

Click OK to join the PAG or Rejected to remove your account from the group.

Please note that PAG invitations expire after 12 hours, so be sure to accept them as soon as possible.

C. To remove a shop from a PAG:

Under the PAG list, click on the + sign to expand the list of members.

If you're logged into your group's master account, press Remove under the Action column. Only the master account can remove other shops from the group.

If you're logged into your subaccount, press Leave under the Action column.

D. To disband/delete a PAG:

Remove all other members from the PAG.

Disband the group.

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After creating a PAG, please expect the following changes:

1. Warehouse Address - The master account's warehouse address will be applied to all the shops in the group. Only the master account can change or edit the warehouse address.

2. Shipment Type / Shipment Provider - Only the master account can request changes in the shipment type or provider. Please refer to the table below for expected changes:

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A. Can I choose which account will be the master account?

You can decide which account to use as your master account. Ideally, you should use the account with the most volume/highest sales since this account is the most actively used.

After choosing an account to use as your master account, please ensure that you're logged into this account when you initiate the binding request.

B. How many stores can I include in a Pickup Address Group?

One group can have up to 100 accounts, including the master account. When binding requests exceed 99, you will be unable to click "New Request".

C. What if I don't see or approve the binding request sent right away?

Binding requests need to be approved or rejected within 12 hours. If the request is not approved or rejected within 12 hours, the request will automatically expire. The master account will have to send another binding request invitation to the sub account for approval.

D. How are Pickup Address Groups validated? Can a master account add another seller as a sub account without the seller's knowledge?

Subaccounts will not be grouped or bound with any master account unless they approve it on their Seller Center. If the subaccount does not approve or reject the request, the invitation automatically expires after 12 hours. On top of this, binding requests will automatically be rejected if they do not satisfy all of the following conditions:

1. Warehouse Addresses match up to barangay level

2. Seller ID and phone number in seller profile match

3. Total number of accounts to be bound (including the master account) does not exceed 100.

E. I grouped/bound different accounts that have different warehouse addresses. Where will the courier pick up my parcels?

The courier will pick up your parcels at your master account's warehouse address. All other addresses will be disregarded after binding.

F. Can I group/bind warehouses from different barangays?

No. Grouping requests for warehouses under different barangays will automatically be rejected by the system.

G. I grouped/bound my accounts today. When will the changes take effect?

Please wait for 3 days from the time of approval for your request to be effective.

H. After grouping my accounts, my shipment type became pickup. What if my preferred shipment type is drop-off?

Please request to change your shipment type using your master account. You can only edit your address, shipment type, and shipment provider using your master account.

I. Can I bind accounts that have different first mile types on Seller Center (e.g., one is LEX drop-off and the other is LEX pickup)?

Yes! These accounts can still be bound together as long as they are within the same warehouse. If the combined volume of all accounts reaches the threshold for pickup, then all accounts under the group will enjoy pickup services. Please note that even if a seller or a group is under Drop-off, you may still enjoy pick-up services from non-LEX 3PLs, depending on the destination and/or the parcel profile of the orders.

J. I want to change the address of my subaccount's warehouse. How can I change the warehouse address?

If you want to change the address of a subaccount's warehouse, the subaccount must first be ungrouped/unbound from the master account. After unbinding, edit your warehouse address in My Account > Settings > Warehouse. If you do not unbind the subaccount, it will always have the same warehouse address as the rest of the group.'

K. What if a sub account wants to leave the Pickup Address Group?

If a sub account leaves a PAG, no action or approval is required from master account. All the subaccount has to do is request unbinding, and it will be automatically approved.

L. Will the Operating Days and Hours of the master account be applied to the sub account?

No. The master account's Operating Days and Hours will not be applied to the sub accounts.

M. Will the master account's delivery types like Same Day Delivery (SDD) or Delivered by Seller (DBS) be shared with subaccounts?

At the moment, the feature will not share these services from the master account to the subaccount.

N. Does this feature apply for binding customer return address?

Currently, the feature is only able to bind pickup addresses. We will let you know once binding can apply to customer return addresses!

O. What does it mean when I get a prompt that says "There is no available warehouse can be bind under this seller ID"?

This means that the master account and the sub account have entirely different warehouse addresses. Warehouse addresses should always match at the barangay level to proceed with warehouse binding.

P. Why am I getting the following error: "Incorrect Seller ID or Phone Number"?

To proceed with a successful binding, master and subaccounts need to have the same seller ID and phone number under the seller profile. Please ensure that the seller ID and phone number used in creating the new invitation are exactly the same ones in the Seller profile. To check if they match, go to My Account > Setting > Seller Profile and copy the Seller ID and Phone Number.

You may also receive this error if the barangay of your sub account does not match the barangay of your master account. Please ensure that the addresses for both account are in the same barangay to address this error.

Q. Will this feature be applicable for sellers who are using an ERP (like XMHelper)?

All sellers can create PAGs, but binding requests, approvals, rejections, and warehouse updates can only be done in the Lazada Seller Center. There is currently no provision to facilitate warehouse binding on ERPs.

R. Assuming a 3rd party warehouse operates for 5 companies, can there be just one master account approving all the binding?

As long as the accounts to be bound satisfy the following, a binding can happen successfully:

1. Warehouse Addresses match up to barangay level

2. Seller ID and phone number in seller profile match

3. Total number of accounts to be bound (including the master account) do not exceed 100.

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