What is Delivered by Seller?
Previously known as Seller Own Fleet (SOF), it is a delivery option in Seller Centre (SC), specifically for sellers that are using their own fleet in fulfilling special delivery types or services.
How do I qualify?
Below are the considerations used for enabling the use of Delivered by Seller option:
Lazada Fresh(fresh and frozen goods)
Sellers who require special shipping arrangements that are not offered by Lazada's appointed Delivery Partners (E.g. Live Plants etc.)
Sellers who offer value-adding services (E.g. Installation Service)
Delivery types which are outside LEL Delivery Partners' service limits (E.g. Super Bulky Sized Parcel Delivery).
How do I submit a request to use Delivered by Seller?
You can apply through this form: https://bit.ly/dbsregistration
Do not forget to read the terms & conditions. Please note that we will review your request on a case-to-case basis. Please expect a call/ e-mail within the next two business days.
What's the NEW application process for Delivered by Seller / Lazada Fresh?
1. For New Sellers, kindly create your Lazada store by clicking on this link: Lazada Store Creation. Kindly click here for the store creation guidelines: Store Creation Guidelines.
2. Sign-up here: https://bit.ly/dbsregistrationDo not forget to read and accept the terms & conditions.
3. Upload your SKUs on to your Lazada Store, then request geo-restriction for your DBS SKUs through this form: https://bit.ly/georestriction
4. Please wait for an email from Lazada within 2 business days for the next steps. Kindly reach out to PSC via chat to follow-up.
5. Once confirmation email is received, request has already been processed and the SKUs can now be set to DBS for LIVE.
6. Start selling! Deliver with your own fleet or courier.
What are my responsibilities as a Seller using Delivered by Seller?
DBS sellers will be responsible of the entire order fulfillment experience, which should cover the following:
Quality: Ensure accuracy with what was promised to the buyer, whether in the product description page or via instant messaging.
Buyer care: Address customer queries related to delivery. Treat buyers with utmost respect.
Delivery schedule: Ensure that all orders are delivered to customers within a reasonable time frame (meeting the SOT SLA) and within the period promised/communicated to buyers.
Seller Center update: Ensure that order status is updated accordingly.
Sellers under the Delivered by Seller (DBS) Program will have different rate cards per category to accommodate the different delivery arrangements of our sellers and to ensure that delivery rates are within industry standards – a win-win for both sellers and buyers.
Category rate cards will be as follows:
A. Lazada Fresh
*BCLR - Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal
B. General Merchandise
*BCLR - Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal
C. Electronics
*BCLR - Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal
*BCLR - Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal
What if my shipping fee is different from the new DBS Category Shipping Fee Rates?
If less than: use partial shipping fee subsidy with no minimum spend to adjust the shipping fee.
If greater than: stick with the rate card or add the balance to item price
If free shipping: offer free shipping promotions
What will be the delivery promise shown to customers?
For SKUs on Delivered by Seller, there will not be a delivery promise calculated on the product page. Sellers are advised to indicate the delivery lead time promise in their PDP details.
Customers will be advised to check directly with Seller on the estimated delivery window.
Once 'Delivered by Seller' is already enabled for your store, you can proceed to the following steps:
1. Upload products
Enabling Delivered by Seller as an option on SKU level
1.1 Individual SKU
1.1.1 Go to Product Overview page and click 'Action' and 'Edit Details' on an SKU
(Note: For new products, click on 'Add New' and fill-up all required fields)
1.1.2 Select ‘Delivered by Seller’ on SKU level
1.1.3 Click ‘Submit’
1.2 Mass upload
1.2.1 Go to Product Overview page and click ‘Export’
1.2.2 Download files of the specific product categories
(Note: each category of products has a different upload file template)
1.2.3 In column 'delivery_option_sof', input YES for those SKUs
1.2.4 Save the file onto your computer
1.2.5 Go back to Product Overview page and click ‘Import’
1.2.6 Click 'Update Products’, and click ‘Upload File’
1.3 API
API connection for DBS will be taken on a case-to-case basis. Please reach out to your KAM or to PSC via chat
2. Choose coverage areas
Every single DBS SKU should be limited to your selected coverage areas. Upload necessary requirements in this form: https://bit.ly/georestriction
Note that this step should be done every time a new DBS SKU is created/uploaded.
Kindly include the following requirements:
a. Seller short code
b. List of SKU IDs
c. List of coverage areas
3. OPTIONAL: Adjust shipping fees for more competitiveness
If your actual shipping fee differs from the category rate cards, you can adjust via our shipping fee promotion capability.
If less than: use partial shipping fee subsidy with no minimum spend to adjust the shipping fee. Note that minimum partial shipping fee subsidy is 40 pesos.
If greater than: stick with the rate card or add the balance to item price
If free shipping: offer free shipping promotions
3.1. If actual shipping fee is LESS than category rate card:
This can be set up in the Promotions page in Seller Center. You can choose between Free Shipping or Partial Shipping Fee Subsidy.
3.1.1 In the Seller Center, go to Promotions tab and then Choose Free Shipping.
3.1.2 Click on 'Create New Promotion'
3.1.3 Fill-up necessary details. Choose 'Delivered by Seller' under Delivery Options.
3.1.4 Click on 'Submit'.
PRO TIP: Use 'Partial Shipping Fee Subsidy' with no minimum spend to adjust your shipping fee.Note that the minimum partial shipping fee subsidy is 40 pesos.
Example: For a Fresh seller,
Lazada Fresh rate card: 200
Actual shipping fee: 150
Partial Shipping Fee Subsidy should be 50 (=200-150).
3.2 If actual shipping fee is GREATER than category rate card:
We suggest two workarounds: (a) Stick with the rate card, (b)add the incremental in the item price.
What do I do when I receive a new order?
In Seller Center
You will receive new orders in the Pending tab of your Seller Center Order Overview page.
- Note that in the Pending tab, Shipping Information for DBS is still Dropshipping. It'll be Delivered by Seller once you've already clicked 'Ready to Ship'.
Once you've packed these orders, click ‘Ready to Ship’
- For hybrid sellers, crucial to 'expand' the order by clicking on the '+' button and click 'Ready to Ship' there.
- No need to print the airway bill.
Orders will move to the Ready to Ship tab.
- You can filter the DBS orders/packages using the Delivery Options dropdown. Choose SOF.
In Ready to Ship tab, you will be responsible to update the status of the order to ‘Delivered’, ‘Failed Delivery’, or ‘Cancel’; depending on the parcel journey
- For 'Delivered' cases, please be sure to keep the PODs of your parcel deliveries separately, in cases of customer dispute. These should be kept for a year and should be shared to Lazada within 24 hours, in case of disputes.
DBS sellers will be subject to the same policies as the rest of the sellers, with emphasis on the following:
SOT /Fulfillment SLA - Sellers under SOF will not be measured with SOT metrics.
Cancellation orders*not shipped within 4 days will be cancelled on the 5th day. Any orders still not delivered within 7 days will be cancelled on the 8th day.
OVL/POL: Sellers will be subjected to OVL/POL policy of Platform applicable to Seller's age and performance metrics. Platform Governance reserves the right to change policies when needed.
Sellers are required to keep their proof of deliveries (POD) within 1 year. For complaints and disputes, Lazada will request POD from the sellers and sellers should respond within 24 hours.
No returns for fresh/perishables.
For returnable categories, SLA is 7 days through direct-to-merchant process, but this time, DBS sellers to perform the pick-up from the buyer. Sellers will receive a call from Lazada forthe request for return.
Payout is every Thursday of the following week when an order is tagged as 'delivered'.
Commission structure below based on seller type:
Interested to offer CASH-ON-DELIVERY? Check this article here.
How do I ask for a contract?
Please reach out to your KAMs or you can choose to do self sign-up through this link: https://bit.ly/dbsregistration
I am an existing SOF seller. Since POD is now required to be kept for a year in the new DBS program, are we going to change the contract or just ignore the POD uploading requirement?
As part of the migration process, all SOF sellers will be asked to sign the new DBS contract, which covers this requirement. Please reach out to your respective KAMs for this.
Would it be possible to choose 'delivered by seller' for small items?
No, these are the eligibility criteria for 'Delivered by Seller'
Lazada Fresh sellers
Sellers who require special shipping arrangements that are not offered by Lazada's appointed Delivery Partners (E.g. Live Plants etc.)
Sellers who offer value-adding services (E.g. Installation Service)
Delivery types which are outside LEL Delivery Partners' service limits (E.g. Super Bulky Sized Parcel Delivery).
For the geo-restricted products, what if we also have warehouses both in and out of GMA and we can service other areas too. Will this be possible?
Yes, we can allow your SKUs available in those different areas. However, take note that once an SKU is tagged as DBS, it will be DBS for all areas it's available in.
How granular can you do geo-restriction? Can you do barangay level?
Yes, we can be more granular, up to barangay level. This has to be raised to your respective KAMs or through the geo-restriction request form" https://bit.ly/georestriction
What will the customer experience be if they are outside Metro Manila? Will they see DBS items?
They will still see the items, but there's going to be an error message that they cannot checkout the items, so they need to remove item or change address.
Is the geo-restriction/coverage area based on the location of the source of the product?
Geo-restriction is for the order destination or buyer's delivery address.
Are the orders filtered that we can only receive GMA orders for DBS products?
Yes. If an item is geo-restricted to GMA, then only buyers in GMA can order those items. Should there be some errors, raise to KAMs to check current geo-restriction setting.
What are the serviceable areas for DBS?
DBS is now available nationwide.
How can we setup an SKU to be hybrid? Does that mean we need to re-upload existing SKU that was initially delivered by Lazada only?
No need to re-upload. You can just choose 'No' in the 'Delivered by Seller' Option in the Product Listing page.
If I set Delivered by Seller for an SKU, will the other delivery options be available in my product page for this SKU?
No, once Delivered by Seller delivery type is set for that SKU, there will no other delivery types for that item.
I have a huge variety of SKUs. Can I use Lazada's logistics for some of them?
Yes. DBS sellers can be hybrid seller as DBS is being configured on an SKU level. Note that there can only be one kind of delivery type per SKU, regardless of location, whether it's DBS or Lazada.
For some of my SKUs, I can only do DBS in a specific location (i.e. Metro Manila). How do I configure it?
You may reach out to your account manager. Kindly provide the list of SKUs for geo-restriction and the areas you can cover.
Will you provide the POD format?
Yes, it can be accessed here.
How do we have a proof of delivery for those doing delivery via 3rd party logistics?
We highly suggest two things: (1) Delivery receipt sent via email, AND (2) SMS confirmation sent to the buyer, with the following information:
Customer name
Recipient Name
Signature/Customer confirmation
Date of receipt
Order Number
Item Details
Are we implementing DBS only during ECQ? How about if we go through GCQ? Do we go back to the dropship method?
Delivered by Seller Program is here to stay. You can choose to continue using it.
How many tries of deliveries should we do before we select failed delivery?
Up to two failed deliveries.
If a customer provided the wrong address or the rider failed to locate the address, will the seller still shoulder the re-booked shipping fee?
Yes, the end-to-end fulfillment is covered by seller. We highly suggest that you coordinate with the buyers on their actual location.
PRO TIPS: Call before you deliver. Ask for a landmark or a 'pin' on Google Maps.
In the instance that we booked a Grab/Lalamove to deliver the goods to the customer, then the customer didn't receive the order (i.e. wrong address), so we have to book that same Grab/Lalamove to bring back the item to us, who will shoulder the delivery back to our warehouse and the additional delivery fee on our next re-delivery to that same customer?
It will be the seller because end-to-end fulfillment is a responsibility of the seller.
How do I go about pending orders dated April that we have now processed but still using dropship?
You can still use dropship for these remaining orders.
How can we know if the pending order will be fulfilled by lazada or with our own delivery fleet?
Once you RTS, you will find that the Shipping Information is 'Delivered by Seller'.
What's the shipping fee for provinces outside Metro Manila (ie Laguna, Cavite, Bulacan)?
Shipping fee depends on the category of your DBS product. Full shipping fee rates can be found here.
For bulky items, how to increase the shipping fee?
Currently, our suggestion is to add the balance shipping fee in your item price. For example, if your delivery is 600 pesos, you can add 100 (600 – 500 fixed shipping fee) to your item price.
Can the shipping fee promotions/subsidy be different per city in Metro Manila?
Currently, no. We highly suggest you use an average that can cover the entire area.
If an SKU is tagged as DBS for Metro Manila, will it be available as standard shipping for other areas?
No. Only one delivery option per SKU.
What if we cannot accommodate returns since our product is food/beverages?
Yes, we've already set some categories as non-returnable, such as perishables.
How can Lazada handle the returns if the item is super bulky?
Returns process will be through the usual direct-to-merchant process. You will receive a prompt in Seller Center of any returns needed.
Should we need an extension on SLA because of customer availability, how do we request for it?
You can request from your KAM. This will be taken on an order basis.
Is cash-on-delivery available?
For DBS, COD is currently unavailable. This article will be updated once the option is available.