What is the cost for using FBL (Fulfillment by Lazada )?

2.6K Published on May 17, 2019

Shipping Fee Rate Card

DIM weight is calculated as length, height and width of package in centimeters multiplied with each other and then divided by 3500, if the result is lower than the actual weight of the package in kilogram (kg) the actual weight is used as DIM weigh. DIM weight is always rounded up to the next kg.

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In case the seller opts to have orders fulfilled using the Fulfilment by Lazada (FBL) model, and if the seller opts to have the goods picked up by Lazada or by its appointed logistics provider, a pick-up fee as defined under Clause A. of the Seller Agreement Special Terms and Conditions shall be charged to the Seller with the rates provided in the table below:

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  • Storage is free for items staying less than 60 days in the warehouse. Cbm = cubic meters
  • Long term storage also applies to damaged/ defective items
  • Kitting applies for any preparation work needed on your items, for example re-packing, protecting them with plastic film/bags, or physical bundles. Re-packing at inbound will be done if your products arrive without packaging or if the original packaging is of insufficient quality

General remarks:

  1. BL rates exclude GST
  2. FBL rates include fulfilment operations as explained in the remarks above. Shipping fees are not included.
  3. Fees can be revised at any time with a notification period agree in contracts. The most recent rate card overwrites previous versions.
  4. The rate card in local currency will be used for billing.
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