How do I cancel an order?

2.6K Published on May 9, 2023

How do I cancel an order?

Cancelling orders is fast and easy, but you may want to think twice before cancelling an order. Having a high Seller Fault Cancellation Rate can result in an Order Volume Limit, ineligibility to join campaigns and programs, Non-Compliance Points, or further actions on your listings. If you still wish to cancel an order, keep reading to learn how!

On this page:

I. How do I cancel a pending/packed order?

II. How do I cancel an order that is already Ready to Ship?

III. What do I do if a buyer asks me to cancel an order for them?

How do I cancel a pending/packed order?

To cancel an order that is not yet Ready to Ship (RTS), follow these steps:

1. On Seller Center, go to the Order Management page.

2. Find the order that you want to cancel and click on More Action > Cancel Order.

3. In the pop-up that appears, select your Reason for Cancellation and include any additional information you want to provide in the Comments box. Then, click on Confirm.

Please note that the system will automatically set your SKU's stock to 0 if you select "Out of Stock" or "Incorrect Pricing" as your cancellation reason to prevent additional orders from being placed as you update your stock/prices. If you had to cancel an order due to reasons that were out of your control, you can request a Cancellation Rate Reevaluation to protect your store's metrics.

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How do I cancel an order that is already Ready to Ship?

Orders that are in RTS status can no longer be cancelled on Seller Center. Instead, you can cancel your RTS orders through ADA:

1. Open ADA's chat window and type in "Order Cancellation."

2. Then, select the order from the order selector that appears. You can filter orders according to their fulfillment status or enter your order number into the search bar.

3. Click Confirm to proceed with the cancellation process.

4. Select the reason for your cancellation request.

5. If applicable, accept the terms of the cancellation process. To learn more about Lazada's Seller Cancellation Policy, click here.

6. Then, fill up the cancellation request form that appears and click Submit.

After submitting the form, please expect your cancellation request to be processed within 4 hours (except on Sundays and holidays). To avoid canceling future orders and losing sales, we kindly request that you avoid marking orders as Ready to Ship before they're ready for pickup.

If you had to cancel an order due to reasons that were out of your control, you can request a Cancellation Rate Reevaluation to protect your store's metrics.

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What do I do if a buyer asks me to cancel an order for them?

If your buyer requests an order cancellation, please inform them that they should cancel it through the Lazada app. If they need instructions to cancel their order, you can send them this Help Center article.

Buyer-initiated cancellations will not affect your store's metrics in any way. Buyers who cancel their orders will not be able to leave you a product review.

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