Fake Transaction Policy

2.4K Published on March 11, 2022

1. Introduction

1.1. As part of the guidelines set out in our Lazada Community Policies, all sellers operating their stores on the Lazada platform are expected to maintain honesty and uphold integrity when conducting business on the Lazada platform.

1.2. Fake Transactions (as defined in paragraph 2) may generate information that is false and misleading, which will undermine the reliability and reputation of the Lazada platform. The Fake Transaction policy ensures sellers do not engage in Fake Transactions.

2. Fake Transaction

2.1. Fake Transaction refers to the act of creating orders that do not involve the exchange of goods or services with funds between the buyer and the seller.

2.2. A seller may create multiple Fake Transactions to manipulate seller data, such as sales data, store rating, credit rating and product rating, among others. Such data may be deceitfully inflated by a seller through the engagement of Fake Transactions, providing buyers with a false impression that the seller’s store is performing well.

2.3. The following is a list of non-exhaustive examples of what can be considered as a Fake Transaction:

a. a seller places an order for his own product to achieve the following objectives:

i. increase total order volume;

ii. increase flash sales ranking;

iii. generate positive reviews for his own products to improve the store’s ranking;

b. a seller engages a party who agrees to act as a buyer, and instructs the buyer to place an order for a product which the seller wishes to promote. The seller then ships the product, where such product shipped may be a different product, and subsequently performs a return and/or refund, in order to achieve the following objectives:

i. increase total order volume;

ii. increase flash sales ranking.

2.4. Where a seller is found to be involved in Fake Transactions, the seller will be notified by Lazada of such occurrence and the potential enforcement action that Lazada may take against the seller. Please be informed that Lazada will not disclose the basis of such judgement, including details of the affected transactions.


3.1. A seller shall not engage in Fake Transactions on the Lazada platform.

4. Enforcement

4.1.The following enforcement actions may be taken against a seller who is found to be in violation of the Policy:

a. remove all reviews, ratings, order records and GMV associated with the Fake Transaction;

b. remove the ability or limit access of your buyers to utilize certain system features such as, but not limited to, the following:

i. review your products;

ii. participate in social games associated with your store;

iii. opt for cash on delivery option;

iv. cancel orders;

c. lower the ranking of buyers’ search results of your listings; and

d. issuance of up to 16 non-compliance points.

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