How is Chat response rate calculated?

7.7K1 Published on June 25, 2020

There are 2 different Chat response rates shown to sellers in Lazada Seller Center:

  • Chat response rate on Seller Center Homepage = Percentage of new conversations that you respond to within *same day cycle. This is calculated based on chats received in last 7 days.

  • Messages received during weekends are included. Messages received during Public Holiday & Holiday Mode are excluded.

  • *One full same-day cycle = Message received from 6pm yesterday to 6pm of the current day have to be answered latest by 7pm of the current day.

  • Chat response rate on Business Advisor = # of conversations replied to within same day / #conversations received in period chosen by users (yesterday, last 7 days, week, month)

Why is the Chat response rate on Seller Center Homepage different from the one on Business Advisor?

  • The Chat response rate on Seller Center Homepage represents your store’s chat activity during conventional operating hours. While the Same Day Response Rate found on Business Advisor shows you your chat activity 24/7.

Are Auto replies/ Quick replies counted into Chat RR/RT calculation?

  • Auto replies are not counted when calculating seller's chat response rate/ response time

  • Quick replies are counted as reply when calculating seller's chat response rate/ response time

Does Chat RR impact my Seller Rating?

  • No, Chat Response Rate does not affect Seller Rating Directly. However, customers may give your store a good/bad rating depending on your service or how soon you were able to respond to them.

How can I send an update on customer order status via chat?

  • You can send order detail cards to customers or check logistic details under the Customer panel of the Chat window and advise customer accordingly.

Do I have to be the last person to reply chat?

  • Chat response rate is calculated based on the conversation replied to within SLA determined by Lazada. Conversations are recorded as one from midnight to midnight every day, so when the customer sends the next message determines whether you need to reply to chat message or not. To simply the process and enhance customer experience, you are recommended to always be the last person to reply to a conversation.

I answered all chats, but why is the response rate still low? How do I trace the performance?

  • If you have already answered all the chats and still encounter low chat response rate, please check following for potential reasons:

_ You weren’t able to answer all the chats within the SLA determined by Lazada. (See: How Chat response rate calculated? section)

- Your shop may have multiple chat agents, the other agents did not answer all the chats or did not answer them within Lazada’s SLA. (Check the Chat Settings page using the Chat Admin account)

- Your shop may have multiple chat agents and one/some of them in/are inactive, so messages assigned to them go unanswered. (Check the Chat Settings page using the Chat Admin account)

Where can I see the performance of my chat admin?

  • You can see the performance of all chat agent(s) in Business Advisor. For the chat admin, for performance to be displayed, the chat admin account (chat master account) needs to be set as Chat agent as well

How can I improve my store's Response Rate?

To improve your store's Chat Response Rate, you are recommended to know the following answers to the following by heart:

  • How Lazada calculates Chat Response Rate

  • How multiple agents can affect overall shop chat response rate

  • Whether shall I be the last person to reply always

(All these topics can be answered by the items above)

Where can I see my store's historical Response Rate performance?

  • For Chat Response Rate displayed on Seller Center Homepage, there is no historical data unless you record it manually.

  • For Chat Response Rate in Business Advisor, you can see historical date by changing the time range.

When will the Chat Agent see "Chat session expired" notice in the conversation box?

  • 30 days after last reply by customers.

When will the Chat Agent see "You're only allowed to send 5 messages a day since buyer has left the chat." notice in the conversation box?

  • Two days from the customer’s last reply

When will the Chat Agent see "You're only allowed to send 10 messages a day since buyer has left the chat." notice in the conversation box?

  • 30mins from the customer's last reply

What will happen if a chat agent does not reply his customer?

  • If you only have one chat agent account, if your chat agent doesn't reply to customer at all or doesn't reply within SLA, your shop Chat Response Rate will be negatively impacted. On top of that, your customers won’t be happy and you might risk losing potential sales or getting bad reviews.

  • If you have multiple chat agents in your shop, when a chat agent doesn't reply to customers, depending on whether that message is a new conversation or existing one, and also depending on whether other chat agents are online or not, the message will be reassigned. To know more details, please check out the answer related to Chat assignment logic below. However, no matter which agent is assigned to a customer, as long as the conversation is not replied or not replied within SLA, it will negatively impact your overall chat response rate.

Will Lazada’s Infographic Reply to customer's Shortcut Question be included in my response rate calculation?

  • Infographic Reply is triggered when customers click on the shortcut suggestion in the chat window. These inquiries from customers are not counted in chat volume thus you do not need to reply to customers further besides the default answer provided. However, if customers post further questions to clarify the default answer, you need to reply to that because it is counted as regular chat.

Do I have to reply to messages sent by "Lazada (Official)"?

  • No, you don't have to reply to messages sent by Lazada Official account

When I turn on Seller Holiday Mode, can I still receive message from customers?

  • Yes you can. When your store is on Seller Holiday Mode, your store and all PDP are hidden but customers still can send messages to you via existing chat windows or the Order page in their APP

Can I share Links in chat? For example, link to track orders from Ninja or LEL tracking link :

  • Yes you can share links in chat with customer however links shared must be complied with Lazada Policy of User Content Generated (UCG). Any violation will be subject to Lazada's right of removing your seller account or issuing non-compliance points

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