How to Attach Images and Videos in my Long Description?

8.8K Published on May 17, 2019

Boasting an extensive line of goods from various sellers, LAZADA serves as a one-stop shopping solution for every consumer across South East Asia. As a member of this community, you can better your chances of converting interest into sales by taking advantage of your product's long description through images and videos. 

Embedding images and videos in your long description is actually easier than it sounds. You simply need to familiarize yourself with some basic HTML coding and commands in order to beautify your digital brochure in no time. 

Incorporating images to your description enables your customers to get a better view of what you're actually selling. In order to attach pictures to this field, please proceed to Step 3 of SKU creation and tweak your Product Description. 

User-added image

Afterwards, click the image icon in order to add the Image icon in order to add link of your product.

User-added image

User-added image

If your SKU's photos are saved in your personal folder, you may upload them to any free image hosting site and get the Image Address link: 

When attaching your images, please keep in mind that the maximum image width allowed for LAZADA is 800. Please resize your image accordingly when adding them for a better user experience for your customers. 

Alternatively, you may also attach images by clicking the Source tab. 

User-added image

When using the Source method, remember to follow the proper HTML coding for your images. Use <img src=image address> in order to attach your photos to your long description. 


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User-added image

Aside from images, you may also opt to include videos to your long description in order to give your customers a better understanding of the functions of your product. 

Attaching a video to your long description is easy. Simply find an existing video of your item from YouTube (Note: Please refrain from getting ones created by bloggers to prevent copyright issues). 

User-added image

Click Share then choose Embed to get the code for your video. 

User-added image

Copy and paste this in your long description by clicking the Source tab. 

Videos and images can make a lot of difference to your overall conversion rate. Give your long description that extra oomph in Lazada. 

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