Why can't I submit my claim?

1.3K Published on October 25, 2022

In line with our continuous efforts to streamline our Claims Process, claims with invalid details - as detected by the system - will no longer be accepted, so you can immediately correct the error for faster processing of your claims request.

If you encounter an error, please check the list below to know how to proceed depending on the message you received:

Please ensure that the ORDER ID is CORRECT.

Validate the order number in the Orders Overview section in your Seller Center. Click on Orders > Manage Orders.

Enter the order ID or order number you are trying to file for claim.

If search results show "No Data," it means that the order ID you entered does not exist. Please ensure that your order number is correct and follows the right format (15 digits).

Please ensure that the item ID is correct.

Please ensure that the order ID and item ID are correct.

Please ensure that the item ID and seller ID are correct.

If you encounter an error with invalid or not matching item ID, please validate the order and item details in the Orders Overview section in your Seller Center. Click on Orders > Manage Orders.

Enter the order ID or order number you are trying to file for claim.

Click on the Order Number to view the Order details.

View the item ID included in the Order number you entered.

According to the "Seller Own Fleet" agreement, sellers are fully responsible for the fulfillment, delivery, and return of the order. As "Seller Own Fleet" sellers fully handle the delivery and return of orders, items of SOF sellers are not eligible for claim.

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