Price Spamming Policy

1.9K Published on August 15, 2022


1. Products with prices that are inflated or listing products with a very low price with the intention to attract more traffic and without the intention to sell/ fulfil any customer orders at this price.

2. Listing a product typically at a price much lower than the main product that may be an add-on, or irrelevant to the main product, as a variation to the main product, with the intention to attract traffic and mislead buyers to enter the product listing page.

Price Spam includes but is not limited to the following behaviour:

1. Variations within a product listing are from different categories


The PDP of the tumbler shows that the tumbler is seemingly priced at $4.14

When buyer clicks in, the tumbler is priced at $18.34

2. Variations of one product are of different material, but there is a huge variance in price.

  • Example: Bedsheet are made of different materials (eg. cotton and silk) but the price gap between the variations is huge. King-sized bedsheet with 2 pillow cases (cotton): $69.90, King-sized bedsheet with 2 pillow cases (silk): $269.90

3. One of the variations listed in the product listing includes accessories.

  • Example: Selling a mobile phone and the mobile phone accessories as different variations in one product listing. Mobile phone and mobile phone accessories should be two different product listings.

4. One of the variations listed in the product listing include an item that does not exist or not for sale.

  • Example: Listing one of the variation as "Do Not Ship" with a listed price of $0.01

5. Variations of one product includes both normal and abnormal products. Abnormal products are identified as second-hand, defective, odd products.

  • Example: only one shoe is sold - left or right - instead of a pair of shoes

6. Variations are all normal products but with abnormal prices.

  • Example: Selling a T-shirt in 3 sizes but the price gap is huge. Size M: $9.90, Size L: $9.90, Size XXL: $100


The PDP of the shirt shows that the black shirt is seemingly priced at $7.40

When buyer clicks in, the shirt is priced at $149.50


The following enforcement actions may be taken against a seller who is found to be in violation of the Policy:

  • deactivate or lock your listings; or

  • deboost the search ranking of your products; or

  • issuance of up to 2 non-compliance points.

The enforcement action taken will be based on the severity of the violation. Repeated offenders may have their product listing locked and receive up to 2 non-compliance points.

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