What is Automated Keyword Selection?

1.5K Published on December 27, 2022

Automated Keyword Selection aims to optimize your keyword selection to attract shoppers to visit your product details page and your store. Powered by Lazada’s machine learning technology, Automated Keyword Selection predicts and chooses keywords that are expected to perform better based on your set campaign objective (i.e. Traffic / Sales).

  • Our algorithm predicts and chooses keywords with the highest CTR and CVR potential

  • These keywords will run in your campaign and accumulate data and statistics

  • Our algorithm will also add new keywords into your campaign according to its organic performance

  • As data is accumulated, our algorithm will retain keywords which are performing well and remove keywords which are not performing well

  • The keywords may change daily as we add new keywords based on the latest data and trends, and optimize towards the best performing keywords in your campaign

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