What is Chat tool?

1.3K Published on June 25, 2020


What is the Chat tool for?

  • Lazada focuses on creating a self-operated platform where sellers are encouraged to take ownership of their business. Chat is one of the key tools that allow sellers to proactively interact with customers throughout their purchase journey from Interest > Purchase > Order Fulfillment > Post-purchase > Repurchase.

  • Acquiring new customers is very important for any business to grow, however, building a pool of loyal customers and increase their average spending value within your shop is critical as well. Chat will help you to achieve that.

  • Having a Chat tool within Lazada will help sellers and customers be protected from potential risks that can happen via external communication channels such as SMS or other mobile chat apps.

What features does it offer?

  • Chat is a tool that allows sellers to communicate directly with Lazada customers and vice versa. Both sellers and customers can access to Chat tool from PC and the mobile APP.

  • Customer entry point to Chat: Customers can reach out to Lazada sellers via the Chat Now button in the following pages: Product Detail Page (PDP), Seller Shop Page, My Orders page, or existing chat conversations in their inbox.

  • Seller entry point to Chat: Sellers can reach out to Lazada customers individually via the following pages: Manage Order Page, Manage Return Order Page, Manage Review Page, Feed Page, existing chat conversations in store inbox. Some sellers can also send group messages to certain customer segments using Customer Engagement Management Page (CEM).

  • Offered features:

How is Chat integrated with other tools in Lazada Seller Center?

Please see details below:

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