What is Seller Store Search?

3.8K Published on April 21, 2020
What is this feature?
The Seller Search Store is a new feature where the customer will be able to search for the stores on the search bar. This feature is initially piloted for selective sellers and the customer will be able to search only for the exact match.

How the feature will work?
  • Eligible Sellers: Top 12.12 campaign sellers which adhere to store name guidelines (please see details below)
  • Customers will need to key in the EXACT STORE NAME; When the customer types the correct store name, there will be a banner displaying the store information like the number of followers, number of products and hot search terms of the store.
  • Customers can either click "Visit Store" to go to Store homepage, or click on the hot search term to visit the seller's store page
  • Channel: Mobile App Only
User-added image
What should I do if I want my customer to search my shop using my Store name?
  • For now, we are rolling out these features to sellers in phases but one important criteria is that seller should have a store name which follows the following policies:
​​​​​​​1. Format 
The store name should be a string of text or alphanumeric without any special characters and in English or the respective country’s local languages 
2. Contents should NOT have the following specifications as a part or the complete store name
a. Lazmall store names 
b. Existing big sellers like Shopee, Amazon etc. or names which are similar sounding like Wall Mart, Amazone etc. 
c. Derogatory, offensive or sensitive words
d. Sexually suggestive or explicit content including profanity, offensive slang terms, terms that are common signals for pedophilia, bestiality, or sexual violence
e. References to violent or terrorist activities.
f. Only Copyrighted & Trademark words/phrases
g. Existing platform words such Lazada, Lazmall, Lazglobal, Taobao Collections, Alibaba etc. 
h. Only Category Name
i. Only numbers
j. Only country name; If you want to include country name then you can do so but in brackets and should appear at the end of the name
k. If not a flagship, official, exclusive distributor store then do not include that in the store name. If you want to then please note that you would be expected to produce a proof.
l. Only one generic word (Eg.Stores, Whatsapp)
m. Duplicates - Names which are exactly similar to existing stores to avoid duplication and confusion
n. Comparison naming (Usage of words such as ‘vs’, ‘better’)
o. Specific products are banned from being sold in countries, hence sellers should avoid using these while naming their store 
p. Phone numbers, links, .com

Suggestion on Store Name Length
The store should be such that it can be easily discovered and hence we suggest that you restrict the store name to 6 words or 50 characters. 
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