Why is this my order volume limit (OVL)?

7.4K Published on March 21, 2023

The order volume limit (OVL) is affected when a seller has a high cancellation rate or is unable to comply to seller policies and requirements.

You can chat with ADA directly to know the reason for your lowered OVL. Simply type "Check OVL" on ADA to get your OVL reason and value.

If you are eligible, you can directly file your OVL Lift Request through ADA via XForm.

If you want to know more about this, check our OVL Policy.
If you wish to use check your OVL via our OVL Checker tool, you can click

Enter your Seller Center ID in the search bar.

Once the results load, you will see your OVL for the day and the reason for your OVL.

Check the calendar to know which time period had an impact on your cancellation rate and the estimated days when you will have the lowered OVL.

Check the cancellation section and see how your OVL and Cancellation Rate are computed. You can use the highlighted days in the calendar time period with high cancellation as reference.

Under Action Steps, you will see when your OVL will return to normal and any required action.

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