Converting Add to cart into sales
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2 years ago

Good day sellers:

This 12.12 was one of the biggest spike in page views and inquiries from clients I have had in my 6 months of going full-time selling on Lazada; on the days leading to the actual sales (teasing phase) I received over 15 add to carts, and checking my product history over 35 added to cart in 7 days. I was very excited in anticipation of the day of the sale but unfortunately only 7 out of the 35 total add to cart customers pushed through with their purchase.

Does anyone have any strategies to increase conversion rates? I have looked into joining the flash sales but as of this time there is none available. I look forward to increasing my conversion rates this coming December tech sales.

About 10 minutes prior to writing this question I created a voucher redeemable for 10 people in hopes of converting those people who added to cart to purchase. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or am overlooking something.

Any help or input would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

1 Answer(s)

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Hi Crypto Ventures,

Good day Seller!

We are pleased to know that you've joined one of the biggest campaign of Lazada which is 12.12. This is one of the most anticipated campaigns of the customers as products are discounted. There are cases that the customers are adding products to their cart, to secure the product and checks out during the day of the campaign.

Here is one feature that you can use to remind your customer to check the products in their cart. This is what we call CEM or Customer Engagement. Through CEM, you'll be able to send an automatic message to your customers to check out your products that is in their cart. Not only that, CEM also reminds your seller to leave a review, if they ever received the order already.

To know more about CEM kindly access this link: /article/what-is-customer-engagement-management-cem-950900-hc

It's also great to know that you've created a voucher for your customers. This can help to attract buyers to visit and even buy from your shop. Please do make sure that the discount is competitive to make it more enticing to your customers.

Hope this helps Seller. Happy Selling!

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