Enable pre-orders on my product
Owner image url
1 year ago

Hi! I'm a new seller from orange app and I would like to know on how can I enable pre-orders on my product since my products are made to order. Thank you!

1 Answer(s)

Owner image url
1 year ago

Good Day!

You may check the reference below about pre-order.

Pre-order Policy: https://sellercenter.lazada.com.my/seller/helpcenter/pre-order-policy-for-invited-sellers-only-9039.html

Hope this helps. Thank you!

Comment's user profile picture
********233 1 year ago

Hello! If my shop is now eligible for the pre-order option, how do I activate it on one of my products? It doesn't show up on my 'Product Management' tab/page. Thank you!

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