for flash sale
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2 years ago

where can l join for flash sale? pls help me huhuhu l am new

where can l join for flash sale? pls help me huhuhu l am new

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Mary Rose Labador 2 years ago

Hi ZHISHUN , Good day po, Can I clarify about your question. Are you interested in joining Our Flash sale Campaign? And a kindly reminder when posting your question, please refrain from repeating your question. Thank you

2 Answer(s)

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We are delighted that you are interested in joining Flash sale! For the Flash Sale Campaign, Lazada has criterias before a shop becomes eligible to join.

  • 65% Seller Rating

  • 5% Cancellation Rating

  • PO5 Adopted

  • 20 Items sold for the last 30 days

Just to add, joining campaigns available for your shop can also be a way for you to join Flash Sale. These can help to increase your traffic, revenue, and open more campaigns for your shop.

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