Ok lang ba mag bigay ng contact info sa Lazada chat?
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Ok lang ba mag bigay ng contact info sa customer using Lazada chat?

ex. cellphone number,Facebook name, etc.

2 Answer(s)

Owner image url
1 year ago

Good Day!

To protect the privacy and security of both parties, phone numbers are not allowed to be transmitted over

Chat and will be blocked when the System detects it.

Hyperlinks, however, can be sent through Chat - provided that it does not violate Lazada's User Policy for user-generated contents. Please note that only internal Lazada hyperlinks can be sent. Hyperlinks from external sources online CANNOT be sent through chat.

Thank you!

Owner image url
1 year ago
This answer was deleted 1 year ago
This answer was either too broad, not accurate or didn't follow the code of conduct.

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