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how to remove this notification order volume limit also i change my shop name already then the shop doing well naman
Owner image url
1 year ago

i followed the rules, i just a new seller still the system is not friendly, the virtual assistance not understand my concers

2 Answer(s)

Owner image url

Hi ,

Good day! As I check, your shop doesn't have any OVL issue and all your products are visible in the website. Kindly disregard the notification ribbon for it's just serve as a reminder to avoid limitation of orders in the future. As a new seller your default OVL is 150. Thank you. Kindly check this link about OVL for your reference /article/order-volume-limit-ovl-policy-558700-hc

Hope this help! Happy selling.

Comment's user profile picture 1 year ago

will check, thank you!

Owner image url
1 year ago

12121Good day! As I check, your shop doesn't have any OVL issue and all your products are visible in the website. Kindly disregard the notification ribbon for it's just serve as a reminder to avoid limitation of orders in the future. As a new seller your default OVL is 150. Thank you. Kindly check this link about OVL for your reference /article/order-volume-limit-ovl-policy-558700-hc

Question closed